pass up opportunities|pass up opportunity in English

miss chances

Use "pass up opportunities|pass up opportunity" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pass up opportunities|pass up opportunity" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pass up opportunities|pass up opportunity", or refer to the context using the word "pass up opportunities|pass up opportunity" in the English Dictionary.

1. It was too good an opportunity to pass up.

2. I sensed a documentary opportunity too good to pass up.

3. Politicians are not about to pass up an opportunity this golden.

4. I don't think you should pass up the opportunity to go to university.

5. Never pass up new experiences, Scarlett.

6. The official urged the government not to pass up the opportunity that has now presented itself.

7. Never pass up a chance to learn.

8. Pass up the paint pot and brush.

9. To pass on some money he saved up.

10. Tanya's invitation seemed too enticing to pass up.

11. Nobody should pass up a chance like that!

12. It's a pretty big thing to pass up.

13. This is a chance you can't pass up.

14. Am I silly to pass this offer up?

15. To refuse a debate would be to pass up an opportunity to breathe a little new life into democracy.

16. Man, quit playing like you're gonna pass this up.

17. We came across an offer we couldn't pass up.

18. He's never one to pass up a free meal.

19. I ended up getting a scholarship down here, so I couldn't pass it up.

20. Friends move away, children grow up, loved ones pass on.

21. Never pass up a good chance to improve your English.

22. I wouldn't pass up the chance of working for them.

23. B: I'm full, but that sounds too good to pass up.

24. Boxing up the wedding gown for posterity is so pass é.

25. 14 Young came up with the scheme to pass phony checks.